Call for Papers - 2021 CIBEL Global Network Virtual Conference and Young Scholars Workshop

Global Network

The world economy is entering a new and complex landscape. This landscape will include new approaches by different states, new trade agreements, and new digital currency. The changes will affect all aspects of international economic relationships, ranging from trade and investment to competition, finance and dispute settlement. 

To explore the impact of such changes on the international economic law, UNSW Law & Justice’s China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre will be hosting the 2021 CIBEL Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop on the theme of “New opportunities and challenges to international economic law”. The events will be held virtually as a series of individual 90-minute sessions, running fortnightly from 9 July to 17 September 2021.

About the Conference and Young Scholars Workshop

The 2021 CIBEL Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop will raise the following issues: 

What will new opportunities and challenges to international economic law be? How should governments, businesses, the public and other stakeholders understand and respond to the changing world? What is the future of international economic law in the post-COVID era?  

From 9 July to 17 September 2021 each fortnightly 90-minute Conference panel session will focus on a specific CIBEL area, with the full-day Young Scholars Workshop featuring four 90-minute sessions on 6 August. 

The Conference welcomes papers from scholars at all levels, practitioners in the private and public sectors, and others in CIBEL fields across the globe to discuss issues of international economic law from legal and cross-disciplinary perspectives, and from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Successful applicants may be invited to contribute to a publication based on papers presented at the conference and/or workshop.

Young scholars, including those currently pursuing PhDs, are strongly encouraged to submit papers to the Young Scholars Workshop, where they will present and get constructive feedback from senior researchers. Submissions to the Young Scholars Workshop are open to any topic within the CIBEL research areas and are not limited to theme-related topics.

Panel Topics 

The Conference and Young Scholars Workshop will consider abstracts in all areas of law which have a significant focus on issues relating to China and international business and economic law in its broad sense. The topics of the Panels may include the following:

  • Commercial law
  • Competition law
  • Dispute settlement
  • Finance and currency 
  • Intellectual property law
  • Investment law
  • Trade law
  • Other issues of international economic law

Submission Requirements 

Interested applicants shall submit their abstracts via the"Apply Now" button below by 15 March 2021 for peer review. Abstract should be no more than 500 words. Full paper (7,000-12,000 words include footnotes) is recommended but not essential and should be submitted before 2 May 2021. 

Applicants shall indicate if the submission is for the Conference or the Young Scholars Workshop and indicate the panel topic* that relates to the submission if applicable. The number and nature of panels will depend upon submissions received, however CIBEL will try to accommodate a full range of topics. Young Scholars may be invited to present at the Conference.

Key Dates

  • Monday, 15 March 2021 – Abstract (no more than 500 words) submission due
  • Monday, 29 March 2021 – Notification of abstract acceptance
  • Sunday, 2 May 2021 – Due date for full paper (7,000-12,000 words) submission, recommended but not essential
  • Tuesday, 1 June 2021 – Notification of full paper acceptance


Eligible applicants will be considered for the following awards, which will be announced on the CIBEL website after the whole event concludes:

  • CIBEL Global Network PhD Scholar Prize awarded to the best article by a scholar who is pursuing but has not got a PhD degree on 30 September 2021
  • CIBEL Global Network Young Scholar Prize awarded to the best article by a scholar aged 35 or under on 30 September 2021

Session Schedules and Registration 

The 2021 CIBEL Global Network events will be hosted fortnightly on the following dates:

Date Panel Topic
Friday, 9 July 2021 New Landscape of International Economic Legal Order and Its Implications (Prof. Heng Wang)
Friday, 23 July 2021 Competition Law Developments Post- Pandemic in the Digital Age (Prof. Deborah Healey)
Friday, 6 August 2021 Full-day Young Scholars Workshops (4 sessions depending upon submission topics) (with comments by senior scholars)
Friday, 20 August 2021 China and International Trade Regulation in the Post-Pandemic Era (A/Prof. Weihuan Zhou)
Friday, 3 September 2021 Corporate Law and Practice in Turbulent Times? (A/Prof. Xiaochuan Weng)
Friday, 17 September 2021 The Present and Future of ISDS Reform (A/Prof. Kun Fan & Dr Lu Wang)

Registration is free but is essential to receive the event link. Participants must register for each individual session. Registration links for each session will be posted on the Global Network page on the CIBEL website separately. CIBEL will contact presenters around 4 business days in advance to check on set up and testing. 

The dates for panels may be subject to change. We encourage all applicants to visit the Global Network page on the CIBEL website regularly for any updates.

For more details of the 2021 CIBEL Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop, please download the full Call for Papers below.