Research project: UNSW-Tsinghua collaboration on financial innovation and regulatory change in the context of (de)globalisation

Tue 02 October 2018

By Jayne He 


Financial regulation faces underlying trends of FinTech (Financial Technology) and China’s rise as an influential player or a possible rulemaker amid uncertainties in world politics (e.g. nationalism). Notably, China’s financial innovation, expansion (e.g. Alipay’s entry into Australia) and potential spillover effects of its financial regulation (given its economic clout) may have increasingly huge impacts on other countries. This forward-looking research sheds light on potential opportunities and challenges for Australian stakeholders. The project will analyse two questions: what is China’s regulatory approach towards financial innovation and its possible spillover effects at regional and multilateral level? What are its implications for Australia and the world and for financial (de)globalisation amid the rise of China and FinTech?